Friday, January 29, 2016

Hillary, what difference, at this point, does she make?

In the US, War Hawk Hillary Clinton continues to struggle in what was supposed to be her easy coronation as the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.  As with her 2008 run, the issue of her support for the Iraq War haunts her.

  (Illustration is Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts from January, 2006.)

Today, John Wagner (WASHINGTON POST) reports:

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Thursday ratcheted up his criticism of Hillary Clinton, suggesting she had bent to the political winds on a series of key issues, including the Iraq war, same-sex marriage, trade agreements and proposed oil pipeline.

“It is great to be against the war after you vote for the war,” the Vermont senator said sarcastically during a campaign stop here.

Hillary's support for the illegal war did not begin and end with her 2002 vote for it.

She continued to publicly support it.

On the ropes in 2007, she began to make noises about it being a mistake.

But her ego mania being what it is, she can never be satisfied with accepting responsibility.

Which is why this week found her 'modifying' her answer:

From Tuesday's snapshot:

Hillary Clinton, the anti-transparency candidate.  Her e-mails, that she insisted she wanted the American people to see, are still not fully released.  And her speeches to Wall Street -- the same Wall Street she swears she'll reign in -- are off limits to the public.

Hillary Clinton declared on CNN last night, "I have a much longer history than one vote, which I said was a mistake because of the way that it was done and how the Bush administration handled it."

She said it was a mistake.

But she can't shut her damn mouth, can she?

She's the liar who can't take accountability.

"I wrecked your car."

"But if that other car hadn't been on the road . . ."

"I have a much longer history than one vote, which I said was a mistake because of the way that it was done and how the Bush administration handled it."

Her vote was a mistake.

And then she adds "because of the way that it was done and how the Bush administration handled it."

No, you damn liar.

Iraq had no WMDs.

Iraq was not a threat.

These are the lies Hillary embraced with her vote.

And after saying she dealt with her vote in her last ghost written book -- no, she didn't deal with it -- she now wants to prove that she's still a liar.

"I have a much longer history than one vote, which I said was a mistake because of the way that it was done and how the Bush administration handled it."

The Iraq War was wrong.

No matter how it had been executed, it would have remained wrong.

It was built on lies.

Stop blaming everyone else for your poor judgment, take accountability.

I made a mistake, she's said, in voting for the Iraq War.  Now she's modifying it to the vote wasn't a mistake by itself, it was a mistake because of how Bully Boy Bush ran the Iraq War.

It's never Hillary Diane's fault, is it?

It's always someone else's fault.

Even though her latest weasel attempt really begs the question: If true, why would you -- as late as 2002 -- believe a word Bully Boy Bush said or trust that he could execute a war to your liking?

How stupid are you now claiming to be?

You'd have to be really stupid to be out witted by a half-wit, after all.

But that is the 'logic' she's arguing in her latest modification of her 'mistake.'

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