Saturday, May 28, 2016

Tim Robbins Tweets

Actor, activist and director Tim Robbins is supporting Bernie Sanders in the battle for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

  • must for her $21,442,000 of paid speeches

    Grand total = $21,442,000
  • Sólo un candidato está dispuesto a defender a Puerto Rico y enfrentar a Wall Street.
    Nuestro Destino Puertorriqueño | Bernie Sanders
    Los problemas de Puerto Rico son mis problemas y juntos podemos unir fuerzas para resolverlos.
  • On June 7th, with Hillary still hundreds of delegates away from winning, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media plan to call the race
  • With 913 delegates left to win, Hillary has to win 67% of them to secure the nomination. The Democratic Party KNOWS THIS. They are lying.
  • Anybody saying Hillary is 75 delegates away from securing the nomination is lying. She's 614 away Super-delegates don't count until July 26
  • How much money did Goldman Sachs CEO invest in 's son-in-law’s hedge fund?
    Hillary Clinton Dodges Another Question on Goldman Sachs
    There has been minimal reporting on the Goldman Sachs CEO's investment in Eaglevale Partners, which is a private fund that faces few disclosure requirements.